Monday, June 05, 2006

Fibre art in the month of Contact (may)

It seems there is never enough time or there is always too much to see. However in Toronto in the month of May there is a limited amount of “art” to see unless you are “into” photography. May is the month for the Contact Photography Festival, photography can be seen everywhere even when you’re not looking for it, Bus shelters, billboards, in the subway and of course in galleries. It makes the experience of running into fibre based work that much more shocking. This May just past saw the closing of Jennifer Angus’ A terrible Beauty” at the Textile Museum and a period of waiting for the next headliner exhibition there. A time to visit and explore the exhibition of work from the permanent collection and brush up on your textile vocabulary, which is always interesting, and gives you time to visit with favourite pieces like this “Crazy Quilt”

the above image was downloaded from the Textile Museum of Canada's website and is used here with premission.

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